We are officially a month away from Metrocon 2011! Our photographer Kayla and Zeke have both gotten Press Badges, so be on the look out all weekend long for them snapping pictures and shooting video! Got a panel you really want photos to be taken of? Contact us at photos@anirage.com and let us know the time and room, we’ll try to get there if we can!
There’s lots to look forward to that weekend, from the various guests to the amazing shows they put on. Our good friend Animebelle will be there, and we are proud to announce that we will once more be assisting in her amazing Fairy Tale Theater production. If you haven’t gotten a chance to see it before, make sure to come out and see it! We’ll have more info about the date and time later, so stay tuned!
And of course, stay tuned to aniRAGE.com for more info about this and other appearances!