Month: April 2011

  • Dashi Game Reviews: Homefront And Portal 2!

    Hey everyone, Dashi from aniRAGE here. I’ve been pretty busy trying to power marathon through games when I get off work, and I’m here to review two games that I have completed and I guarantee that they are spoiler free so you can still enjoy them. I also will give my opinion on if you…

  • aniRAGE Needs YOUR HELP!

    Hey guys, Zeke here! We have an awesome project in the works, and we need YOUR HELP to make it happen! Have you ever played a video game, or watched an anime, and thought to yourself…How the hell is THAT supposed to work? Wonder how sonic goes faster by curling up into a ball? Curious…

  • Whose Line is it aniRAGE? at EXP Con 2010 – Ask aniRAGE!

    Hey everbody! We have a special surprise for you tonight. Somehow, way back after EXP Con 2010, I forgot to upload Ask aniRAGE! So here’s a special treat! Enjoy! And while you are at it, check out the entire EXP Con 2010 performance at: THIS PAGE!. Click to Play It’s our favorite way to end…

  • And now a word from your photographer

    Hey everyone! Your favorite photographer here giving you a photo update! It’s been a crazy couple of weeks starting from Freecon, a trip to visit family, then a birthday photoshoot!  So now that we finally aren’t swamped with as much I’m happy to say that we will begin working on getting those Freecon pics up…

  • Wanna learn more about your Favorite aniRAGE Guys?

    Ever wanted to gain a few more tidbits of info on your favorite aniRAGE guys? Then check out our all new, super special, better than ever, guaranteed to give you everything you ever wished for** PROFILES PAGE! You can click that handy-dandy link I just provided for you, OR you can click on “Cast Profiles”…

  • Dashi Has Gamefly!: Lets Review Titles He Has Rented! As Well as his own collection!

    I have literally  grown up playing video games and one of my favorite categories has to be First Person Shooters. I can thank my uncle for that, when I was about 7-8 Years old and he installed Doom and Doom 2 on my Pc I had at my house. Since then I have been addicted…

  • Zeke’s Top 5 Hottest Poke-Babes

    Top 5 Pokemon Babes Pokemon has some hot chicas, and everybody has their favorites. But this here list is all mine. If you have your own favorites, feel free to add them in the comments! #5: Flannery She’s a red-hot red-head in every sense of the world. Being the fire-trainer of the Hoenn region, she…

  • Upcoming aniRAGE Awesomeness.

    Freecon is in the books! That’s right, after many hours of travel, and a fun day of running around like fools, aniRAGE rocked the house with our Whose Line is it aniRAGE? show! We debuted not just one, not two, but THREE new games at the show: Banned Letter, 1 3 5 Any, and Interrogation!…

  • Free + Convention = An amazing trip

    Goodness… WHAT A TRIP! Got back from Freecon early Sunday morning and decided to take the time to rest. However, now that I’m feeling rested, I just have to say what an absolutely FANTASTIC TIME we had while we were there! It was truely wonderful to see all the cosplayers and get to talk to…

  • Freecon Updates

    Some news for all of you who are going to be at Freecon this weekend. aniRAGE’s Whose Line is it aniRAGE will be at 7pm Saturday! So come for an evening of comedy and a great way to end off the convention. We hope to see you all there! -Zeke