Category: Anime News
Dashi is not dead! : He’s thrown on a leather racing jacket and has revved it up with a review on the hit anime movie REDLINE
To be honest the last anime series that I watched was Panty and Stocking and that was a fantastic series. Afterwards I sort of went into a huge anime drought and I could get into any new anime’s like Tiger and Bunny or Madoka magica. After months of trying it seemed that I have been…
Zeke’s Top 5 Hottest Poke-Babes
Top 5 Pokemon Babes Pokemon has some hot chicas, and everybody has their favorites. But this here list is all mine. If you have your own favorites, feel free to add them in the comments! #5: Flannery She’s a red-hot red-head in every sense of the world. Being the fire-trainer of the Hoenn region, she…