Movie Review: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Pt.1

Just got back from the $5 matinee where I, my fiancee, and family went to see the latest adventure of everyones favorite wizard. Now, note, I have NEVER read any of the Harry potter books and know (just from sheer astetics) that the books were/are MUCH better. However, that being said, I think that the latest (and second to last release for the franchise) was, actually, a very well placed together movie which draws alot off of it’s predecessor… More so then any of the other movies till now.

I don’t want to give away to much, but the tone of this movie has been the darkest of any of the previous movies and with great reason. The film pervays a great deal of darkness and the dreary about the characters as they seek out the 5 remaining Horcrux’s (black magic items in which Voldemort has sealed away portions of his own wicked soul so as to be able to resurrect himself if anyone should manage to slay him) and destroy them. There is a feeling of woe and despair one feels as you watch the events of the movie unfold and watch as several characters from Harry’s past meet their untimely ends. However, for all of the despair and anguish, there are places of hope and some very clever humor placed to take the edge off of the knife that is the story. It defienately kept me glued to my seat for the entirety of the film and I was truely intrigued… From the time that the Warner-brother’s logo appeared (which was pretty awesome) to the infiltration of Voldemort’s “Wizarding world Gestapo” to the story of the “Deathly Hallows” (truely epic, indeed!) and to it’s climactic “end”. HP&TDH Pt.1, was VERY MUCH a great movie and if you’re a big fan of the Potter series, I dare say that you should enjoy this VERY MUCH! I personally can’t wait to see the end, this summer.

Well, till next time… Enjoy!


T minus 1 day…

Strap on your seat belt kids and hold on tight! There’s just ONE MORE DAY til ShadoCon in Tampa, Florida! Most of “aniRAGE!” will be making it’s way up to the convention today while the remainder will be arriving tomorrow evening. In both cases, we’ve got ALOT of fun and surprises in store for everyone at ShadoCon’s first year! So, stay tuned… And, if you just can’t wait, then feel free to check out all of the video’s from past events. Also, feel free to drop by the boards and say “Hello.” See you all at ShadoCon ^_~.

Anime XD Anime List

Before I list all the anime shown at EXPCon’s Anime XD, I want to take a bit of time to personally thank each and everyone of you guys for coming to all of our aniRAGE panels at EXPCon!  If it wasn’t for the support of fans such as yourselves, we wouldn’t continue to perform!  I take great joy in seeing people come to our panels, as the more people we see come to our shows, the more energy we feed off of you.

Now onto the list, as so many of you were asking about, as well as where you can buy the anime we saw, if not point you in the right direction!

Hare+Guu Deluxe – one of my favorite comedy series, this title is found on online anime retailers, such as RightStuf, and RACS, though the series is actually discontinued, so actual stock is limited.  However, if you want the full experience, I suggest you watch the original TV series version before watching Deluxe, as Deluxe is the OVA sequel to the original.

Puchi Evangelion – This series is actually not licensed in the U.S., and isn’t likely to be anytime soon.  Probably the only way you’ll be able to find this series is on the torrents, and I’m not about to directly link you to a download link.

Jungle de Ikou – this series is surprisingly also not hard to find, though stock may be limited with this series as well.  You can find it on RightStuf and RACS for about 25 bucks.

Mitsudomoe – My favorite of all the clips shown at EXPCon this year, this has not yet been licensed in the U.S. However, it’s available for streaming on Crunchyroll!

Sgt Frog – Of course, you could easily find this series in your local store that sells anime, as well as online retailers.  It’s the most recently licensed anime that’s on this list, so finding series, as well as season box sets shouldn’t be to hard to come by.

Hope you enjoy the list!
