Back online and in Jacksonville!

OMG O_O! We’re back in business, folks ^_^! Glad that Zeke got the system back up and operational ^_~. Anyways, like the title suggests, I’ve finally found my way over to jacksonville and, let me tell you, this place is HUGE O_O! I haven’t even covered a third of this city yet and I’m already overwhelmed XD! All the saame, though, iut’s home now and I’m really glad to be here n_n.

Anyways, expect more soon from us here at aniRAGE and, with any luck, I’ll be getting a new mic here soon and will start doing some webcast ^_~. Much love to all of you crazy cats (and people, too ^_~).


A very special Day, TODAY!

Just wanted to let everyone know that on today, a few years ago, Ashley Clark of was born… Therefore, it’s her B-day Today and we would all, very much, Like to wish her a very happy Birthday and a wonderful and prosperous year to come! On a personal note, I pray that God blesses you and grants you the greatest desires of your heart, Ash. Anyways, go over and wish her a happy B-day too! Her site, again, is! Peace!


One too many burgers?

Me thinks that we ate, yesterday, at the beach party… As I reported, we all had a blast, but something has now hit me and Jenny (Jenny worse then I) that has us feeling under the weather a bit today… Anyways, I hope no one else is feeling ill today. At any rate, though, life continues and things will get better. Till next we meet!


Just got back…

… From an excellent day at the beach, visiting with some of the aniRAGE crew, our friends, and a dear friend whom has been living in Washington but, came back for a visit. We played at the beach, we BBQ’ed, and fun was had all around! Hope everyone else, out there, had a wonderful day too! Take it easy, everyone!


A little late in coming…

I and my beautiful Girlfriend reached our first year marker… I know it doesn’t seem like a big thing, but it means the world to me! I’ve never had a relationship that lasted over 7 months before. Most things just don’t ussually work out for me. But, this relationship and this woman are two of the greatest things that have ever happened to me! I really, truely, and deeply love her… My very own Sango… And, I really do feel like she is the one for me… That perfect woman… I love you, Jen.

~Jeshua (Miroku)

Calling All Magic Nerds.

A couple years ago, due to the fact that I talked to a lot of Magic judges online, I was introduced to a format called Elder Dragon Highlander, or EDH for short.  I’ve always been a fan of variant formats, especially highlander formats.  So this definitely peaked my interested.

The rules are simple, and you can read more about it at .  But it boils down to this:

  • Chose a legendary creature as your “general”.
  • Build a 99-card highlander deck.  No card in your deck may include mana costs not related to your general.  For example, if your general is Rith, the Awakener, you can play Llanowar Elf, Lightning Bolt, Swords to Plowshare, but not Dark Blast, Brainstorm, or multi color cards like Absorb.  This includes hybrid cards, and also on-color cards that have off-color activation abilities, such as Votary of the Conclave (a white creature with an ability requiring green mana).

Fairly simple, no?  As far as rules for playing your decks…

  • Your general starts out in the “command zone”.  You may play your general anytime you could normally cast him from your hand.
  • If your general would go to the graveyard, or get removed from the game (or “exiled”), you can return him to the command zone.
  • Every time you cast your general from the command zone, you must pay an additional 2 mana.  So 0 mana the first time, 2 the next, 4 the time after that, etc.
  • You begin the game with 40 life.
  • If any one general deals 21 damage to you, you lose the game.  Life gain does not counteract this.

Some people at the card shop I frequent have begun playing it, so I’ve finally gotten a chance to throw a deck together.  Granted, I don’t have the card pool I used to, so my deck isn’t nearly as good as I want it to be, but it’s fun.  So far I’ve used Teneb the Harvester, and Rafiq of the Many.

So now you know, anytime you are at an event with aniRAGE, pull out your magic decks and start cardslinging!
