Month: October 2011

  • Spotlight Photo 10.18.11

    Sorry it’s a little late! This week I have brought you a very lovely Dizzy of Guilty Gear from EXPcon 2010’s Photoshoot panel. She seemed kinda shy, but this pic is just amazing to me. She looks like she would be a great model. Ok Boys! Stop drooling now! Want to see your photo here…

  • SLOTW – Hey that doesn’t look so scar-*insert blood curdling high pitched scream here*

    For those in the dark (the deep, deep dark…), this coming weekend is Halloween!  With that, you’ll get annoying kids dressed up in tacky and bad looking costumes, knocking at your door for the expected candy treatment for going away.  Not to mention the constant sight of pumpkins that would be better suited for pie…

  • SLOTW – Lights! Camera! Otaku!

    Since the dawn of movies and television, there have been followings, movements, heck, even downright tributes to famous movies and television series.  Nowadays, these forms of fandom have shifted from the realm of television and movies to Anime and Video Games.  While the realm of cosplay has been the easiest and most accessible form of…

  • Dashi game reviews: Dead Island as well as Deus Ex: Human Revolution

    Hey Guys! It’s that time again, where I go into my massive stack of games that I have yet to touch. Thank you steam sales. And review some awesome titles! Today I will be reviewing two games that have released this year and have already beaten, Dead Island and Deus Ex: Human Revolution! Dead Island…

  • aniRAGE aniRAGE Revolution

    Kerby just loves playing Dance Dance Revolution. But when neither Miroku nor Zeke will accept his challenge, what shall he do? Find out in our brand new video: aniRAGE aniRAGE Revolution!

  • Spotlight Photo 10.07.11

    Can you believe it’s already October? I know I sure can’t! This week’s Spotlight Photo, I will honestly say confused me! Hence why I felt the need to take a picture at the time. Looking for this week’s photo I stumbled upon this one and had a great laugh from how silly Con goers can…

  • Spotlight Photo 9.30.11

    This week, I picked a photo from Jacksonville Anime Day 2011! Beautifully done costume and I’m so glad to have caught a few pictures of it! Want to see your photo here on Catch us at Shadocon, November 11th-13th in Tampa, Florida!